My Photo
Location: San Diego, California, United States

I just got my breast augmentation on April 6th 2006 with Dr. Roark of La Jolla Cosmetic Surgery Center.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Another before picture

Just to desribe myself I have 38inch hips and was a 34B before. Small boobs and big hips made me look lopsided in photos and naked as well. Insecurities from feeling very pear shaped made me want to get my BA. Im shooting on the 6th for the 1st time since my BA. Im nervous and excited and working out like crazy. lol
I also just found out you can go from under the muscle to over the muscle. Im really going to think about getting a 2nd BA. I think if I sit on it for awhile I can really see if I want or need it in my eyes. Dont want to make any quick decisions without alot of good hard thought.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's a great before picture. i love your hips. very nice.


4:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You just had your first! Don't subject yourself to more surgery unless necessary!

The new twins look great!

7:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awesome :)

11:59 AM  
Blogger Dr. Rob Oliver Jr. said...

I would be very reluctant to consider breast implants going over the muscle (subglandular)in someone with what looks like thin tissue coverage (like yourself). Coverage by the pectoralis muscle is good padding over the upper pole of the breast & accentuates the "wonder-bra" look that many women ask for. The edge of the implant really can show a great deal in that scenario. Silicone gel implants will help, but not eliminate the chance you'd get "rippling" post-op

1:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

gorgeous photo, I could tell the photographer knew what they were doing, it looks really classy and elegant. I haven't seen the after pictures, but your body looks great in this one.

3:01 AM  
Blogger Michelle said...

I think someone wanted to see a full front picture of before and Im still trying to look for one that doesnt make me gag. I'll post that when I find it.
To last poster I got saline implants.

1:06 AM  
Blogger Michelle said...

Oops sorry forgot details. They are smooth round moderate plus profile saline. I had to look at my Mentor card they gave me. Hope that helps you. Also, take a look at the Mentor site for before and after pics of other women.

7:16 PM  

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