Day 18
Finally some good change! Im lookin more normal by the day. :) They are getting softer too. My post op went well and he said I was doing great. I also have to specially massage them 4 times a day and do these door exercises to stretch my muscles. I can fully dress myself now. There is some discomfort like Im stretching a mucsle too much so I know to back off and stop straining too much. I have my energy back now too; which is fantastic. I can clean my house a bit better but I dont like the feeling when you bend over. Such as bending over to stop up the drain for a bath I get this pressuse funny feeling that kinda feels gross in my chest. The implant is so full there is no sloshing. I kinda like this size eventhough they are big still. The best thing about bigger boobs now is knowing that I can loose wieght and tone up without loosing my boobs. Knowing theyll always be there is a good feeling.
iam on day 18 now still in pain thought it was just me been a wimp it feels like everything is pulling tried to hover today and im suffering now
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